How can I solve this error?

blog error sollution
When you save, you post on a blog like this error occurred…

An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again. Dismiss

Why does this error occur while saving your post?

There are many reasons for this error.

The first reason is your internet speed is very low.
Sometimes your internet speed is too low, at that time an error occurs.

This is the main reason for this error.
Uploaded the post to blogger and took a long time to load, the end result would be "try again" error. However, when we try again, the same problem occurs again. Only load page, no response, what's the reason?

In this error, the main reason is that your poster image is not there. The proper post or image size is small, some are large and not the proper order. If you upload a video and it takes a long time to load and the end result is trying again, no response then a works, this video is not uploaded properly.

Another reason is code editing.
If you edit the HTML code on your post and you start a tag but forget to close it, causing an error, it has to be closed.

What is the solution for this?
Cut and paste again to post uploaded images, videos and other content.
And another way, can you delete this post and upload a new post.
Copy-paste the content before deleting the post as you can post the new but same content, images and videos.
